{"id":252,"date":"2013-06-04T15:34:29","date_gmt":"2013-06-04T15:34:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/marcboluda.com\/?page_id=252"},"modified":"2021-05-19T16:21:14","modified_gmt":"2021-05-19T16:21:14","slug":"cistre-10-cordes-banshee","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"http:\/\/marcboluda.com\/?page_id=252","title":{"rendered":"BANSHEE CITTERN"},"content":{"rendered":"

CISTRE 10 cordes \u00ab\u00a0BANSHEE\u00a0\u00bb<\/strong><\/h2>\n
\u00ab Le cistre est un instrument \u00e0 cordes pinc\u00e9es qui semble avoir fait son apparition vers le XVe si\u00e8cle et qui est encore r\u00e9pandu en Europe. L’archicistre est un cistre augment\u00e9 d’une s\u00e9rie de cordes graves. H\u00e9ritier de la citole, le cistre connut deux p\u00e9riodes d’intense pr\u00e9dilection :<\/em>
\n La plus longue dura du d\u00e9but du XVIe au milieu du XVIIe si\u00e8cle. Il y acquiert les caract\u00e9ristiques qui sont encore les siennes de nos jours. \u00c0 cette \u00e9poque, la pratique du cistre est proche de celle du luth mais d’un statut inf\u00e9rieur, plus populaire et plus simple. Les amateurs le pratiquent assid\u00fbment, et les recueils mis \u00e0 leur disposition sont nombreux. Mais, vers le milieu du XVIIe si\u00e8cle, sans raison apparente, il tombe dans l’oubli<\/em><\/div>\n
 vers 1770 il refait surface. L\u00e0, c’est un v\u00e9ritable engouement du public et pour r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 la demande, les compositeurs vont rivaliser d’imagination, au point que la production en perde sa qualit\u00e9. Un facteur imagine m\u00eame d’y adapter une petite table m\u00e9canique de pianoforte et de petits marteaux actionn\u00e9s par l’interm\u00e9diaire d’un clavier.<\/em>
\nMais cette \u00e9volution ne fait que nuire au cistre, pour qui l’int\u00e9r\u00eat s’estompe d\u00e8s 1800. \u00bb<\/em>
\n                              source:Article de wikip\u00e9dia<\/a><\/span>
\nDe nos jours le cistre connait un regain d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat.
\nCe que l\u2019on appelle la guitare portugaise est en fait une sorte de cistre, ainsi que la Cetera Corse.
\nLe mod\u00e8le que je propose est \u00e0 cinq coeurs, avec un diapason court ou long, suivant les besoins.
\nLe diapason court est 54,5cm et le long 63 cm.
\nLa caisse est tr\u00e8s semblable a celle du bouzouki,
\n    \u00ab l\u2019accordage classique se calquant sur le mandoloncelle plus la corde de mi octave : Do-Sol-R\u00e9-La-Mi ou plus rare R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-La-Mi, ou Fa-Do-Sol-R\u00e9-La .<\/em>
\n    l’accordage dit \u00ab irlandais \u00bb : on trouve deux accordages suivant la taille de l’instrument. Instrument long : R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9. Instrument court : Sol-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9-La. ;<\/em>
\n    l’accordage en open tuning : accord de Sol: R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9 ou Sol-R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-Sol ou accord de R\u00e9 : R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9 ou La-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9-La. \u00bb<\/em>
\nC\u2019est un instrument qui convient aussi bien a un jeu en accord que m\u00e9lodique, ou un m\u00e9lange des deux.<\/div>\n

THE CITTERN<\/strong><\/p>\n

\u201cThe cittern is a plucked string instrument which seems to have appeared around the 15th century and which is still widespread in Europe. The archicistre is a cittern augmented by a series of low strings. Heir to the Citole,the cittern experienced two periods of intense predilection:<\/span>
\nthe longest lasted from the beginning of the 16th to the middle of the 17th century. He acquires the characteristics that are still his today. At that time, the practice of the cittern was close to that of the lute but of an inferior, more popular and simpler status. Amateurs practice it assiduously, and the collections made available to them are numerous. But, towards the middle of the 17th century, for no apparent reason, it fell into oblivion;<\/span>
\naround 1770 it resurfaced. There, it is a real enthusiasm of the public and to answer the demand, the composers will compete in imagination, to the point that the production loses its quality. A postman even imagines adapting a small mechanical table for a pianoforte and small hammers actuated by means of a keyboard.<\/span>
\nBut this development only harms the Cittern, for which interest fades from 1800. \u00ab\u00a0<\/span>
\n source:
Wikipedia article<\/span><\/a><\/span>
\nNowadays the Cittern is experiencing a resurgence of interest.<\/span>
\nWhat is called the Portuguese guitar is actually a kind of Cittern, as well as the Cetera Corse.<\/span>
\nThe model that I propose is with five courses, with a short or long scale lenght, according to the needs.<\/span>
\nThe short scale is 54.5cm and the long scale 63cm.<\/span>
\nThe body is very similar to that of the bouzouki,<\/span><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

\u00ab\u00a0The classical tuning based on the mandoloncello plus the E octave string: Do-Sol-R\u00e9-La-Mi or more rare R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-La-Mi, or Fa-Do-Sol-R\u00e9-La.<\/span>
\n the so-called \u00ab\u00a0Irish\u00a0\u00bb tuning: there are two tunings depending on the size of the instrument. Long instrument: R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9. Short instrument: Sol-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9-La. ;<\/span><\/div>\n
  tuning in open tuning: G chord: R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9 or Sol-R\u00e9-Sol-R\u00e9-Sol or Re chord: R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9-La-R\u00e9 or La-R\u00e9-La -R\u00e9-La. \u00ab\u00a0<\/span>
\nIt is an instrument which is suitable for both tuning and melodic playing, or a mixture of the two.<\/span><\/div>\n



Epic\u00e9a ou C\u00e8dre (Spruce or Cedar)<\/p>\n


Palissandre indien (Indian Rosewood)<\/p>\n

MANCHE (NECK):<\/h4>\n

Acajou ( Mahogany)<\/p>\n


Eb\u00e8ne (Ebony)<\/p>\n


Bois (Wood)<\/p>\n






54 cm ou 63 cm (21,4 inches or 24,8 inches)<\/p>\n

VERNIS  (FINISH) :<\/h4>\n

brillant ( High gloss )<\/p>\n



Voir le tarif<\/span><\/span><\/a>  (see prices list)<\/p>\n<\/div>\n


\n\n \t\t\n\t\t\t\t